about «Zurich's big 5»

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This website was realized at the first TWIST-2018 Hackdays (stadt-zuerich.ch), which took place on 25.08. & 26.08.2018 in the context of the Swiss Statistics Meeting (statistiktage.ch) 2018.

Context / Question: People from other parts of Switzerland or from abroad would like to settle in Zurich. Which quarter fits best to your preferences? Based on this question the Twist2018 hack team decided to use 5 criteria as amenities (schools, sports), diversity (nationalities, age distribution, length of stay), environment (green areas, air pollution, population density, parking), living (rent, requests Züri wie neu (zueriwieneu.ch), culture (public art, fountains, view points).

There has been used LOSD (Linked Open Statistical Data), City of Zurich. The Statistics Office (stadt-zuerich.ch) of the City of Zurich has decided to publish its data as Linked Open Data.

Source Code (MIT License)
You can download the Source Code (github.com) including the whole working website and the data behind it. It may be useful for you to do first steps with SPARQL and LD, LOSD

LOSD (Linked Open Statistical Data) & SPARQL
SPARQL Endpoints (data.stadt-zuerich.ch)
Linked Data (ld.stadt-zuerich.ch)
Used SPARQL queries (github.com)

Data Sources
Wikimedia Commons (wikimedia.org)
Wikidata Query Service (wikidata.org)
QBOAirbase: European Air Quality Database (aau.dk)
Federal Office of Topography swisstopo (admin.ch)
Stadt Zürich Open Data (stadt-zuerich.ch)

Event Links
TWIST-Hackdays 2018 (stadt-zuerich.ch)
Former Event-Website (archive.org)

Collaborators: Cristina Sarasua, Hervé Flutto, Daniele Scopece, Samuel Schaffhauser, Jeremy Savor, Michael Grüebler, Dominik Fehr, Andrea Birkhofer, Filippo Broggini, Tony Kumin, Eliane Suter, Gabriela Enuta, Klemens Rosin, Audrey Yeo

Remark: This website and the data behind are just a "Hack-Version". Not all functions are working as they would in a final version. Only the (change of the) first criteria counts and is visualized in updating the map because there is no combination & ranking of all 5 data sets so far and the Escher Wyss example visualization is an image but all shown data should be accurate.